Monday, September 10, 2007

Serious Human Rights Violation in Pakistan
by persecution, kidnapping, violence & assassination
against a British non-Muslim woman
(from 2004 to now 2007)

I am Ms Jennifer Chim Pik Yee, a British National and Hong Kong citizen. I went to Pakistan in June 2004 to open the market as a representative of American Erico Inc for Health Food Products. Later, I organized to set up a joint venture company by Pakistan Law with other four shareholders; the American Erico Inc. was a dominant shareholder and Pakistani Uppal’s family was one of other four shareholders.

Aug.8th,2004 (Legal Suit against Muslim Fraud)

Uppal’s family made a fraud to company and took money away, then I on behalf of the company made a legal suite against Uppals in Islamabad one month later.
(Proved by Islamabad Civil Court Order 2-11-2005)

Nov. 1st -22nd, 2004 (Bribery and Hypocrite Paper)

In order to pressurize me and the Company to surrender the Islamabad legal suit against their fraud, Uppal’s family bribed their hometown bank for a certificate against record and corrupted local police for a non-Bailable Arrest Warrant in Gujranwala against me.
(Proved by Islamic Bank ‘s certificate)
As lawyer Legal Analysis states: “The Uppals only want to unduly and illegally criminalize the matter in order to harass and pressurize Ms Jennifer to enter into a forced compromise with them regarding the subject matter of the civil suit.” (Proved by analysis from Lawyer )

Nov. 4th, 2004 (Religious Persecution and Blackmail)

Pakistan police DIG Gujranwala Range intentionally and illegally worked out a “non-Bailable Arrest Warrant” to persecute me surrender to Uppals’ blackmail. (Proved by FIR )

Nov.19th, 2004 (Muslim Kidnapping and Police Violence)

I was in MCB Bank Islamabad. Uppal’s family drove Gujranwala Police by their private cars to Islamabad to arrest me and wanted to take me directly to their hometown-Gujranwala. I contacted my lawyers by mobile. Gujranwala police forcibly grabbed my mobile away and stopped my right to contact lawyers.
Gujranwala male police used violence to push me towards Uppals’ private car and torn my dress open to expose my naked body in public. The Gujranwala male police forcibly grabbed my bare legs and threw me into Uppals’ private van, not a police car. Finally, Uppals drove their van and sent me to prison and even supervised imprisonment procedure. This is Muslim Uppals’ daylight kidnapping of a foreign woman in Pakistan. (Proved by the investigation report of Islamabad Police )

Nov.19-20, 2004 (Brutal and Inhuman Treatment)

Gujranwala’s non-Bailable Arrest Warrant was questioned by my lawyers in accordance of Pakistani Laws, but I was still under unlawful detention in Uppal’s private van for two days. Such kidnapping and unlawful detention made me suffered a lot psychologically and physically, and made my uterus tumor develop seriously. I got intolerable pain, even with some painkiller medicine. My colleagues repeatedly asked police for hospital, but police ignored my human rights and brutally refused my emergency treatment. My uterus pain caused me lost conscious in Muslim Uppal’s private van under unlawful detention for more than 15 hours. Islamabad hospital suggested “Urgent Surgery”
(Proved by Urgent Treaty report by Shifa Int’l Hostipal- Medical advice)

Nov. 20th, 2004 (Illegal Arrest and Unlawful Detention)

The legality of Gujranwala non-Bailable Arrest Warrant was finally invalidated by Islamabad Criminal Court in accordance with Pakistan Criminal Laws. This proved that the non-Bailable Arrest Warrant from Gujranwala police and Gujranwala criminal court was illegal, and my detention in Muslim Uppals’ van and imprisonment in police station are unlawful.
(Proved by Islamabad Criminal Court,Criminal Laws in Pakistan-Procedure 2003,National Police Bureau’s report )

Nov.22th, 2004 (High Court Order Verify Violence and Illegal Arrest)

I appealed to Rawalpindi High Court which also proved that I was innocent, the arrest was illegal, and also recorded police harassment by violence against me. (Proved by Rawalpindi High Court order 22-11-2004 and Islambad Investigation report )

Nov.20th, 2004 ~ Now 2007 (No Human Rights and Muslim Criminals Protected)

By clear evidence and distinctive Pakistan laws, Gujranwala police and criminal court intentionally made a criminal charge illegally against a foreign non-Muslim woman on the basis of false evidence against record and by irrelevant laws on the subject, and their actions violated Pakistani laws. Pakistan police and judge themselves committed crimes by misusing their power to persecute a woman.

Gujranwala police and criminal court still continue their illegal activities and never terminates such human rights violation and religious persecution, so as to protect their crimes and as well as Muslim Uppals. The criminals are still at large for further crimes. (Proved by Gujranwala Criminal court order & police reply )

Sept, 25th 2005 (Murder Shooting to Avoid Punishment)

Muslim uppals and/or Gujranwala Police made murder shooting against me in Islamabad on 25th Sept,2005. Because I made strong appeals to Pakistan government at International Conference. Pakistan National Police Headquarters started to make investigation about Gujranwala police violence, illegal detention and serious human rights violation against a foreign woman, the Gujranwala criminals scared to be punished by laws.

Pakistan National Forensic Lab, Lahore made a forensic report, although Pakistan police tried to cover this assassination case. The fact made Lahore Lab cannot totally deny the truth, but it had to use ambiguous words to describe that “The hit mark on the wind screen of the car was examined carefully. It was revealed that the wind screen was hit by a high velocity projectile from a distant range. The possibility of fire-arm shot can not be over ruled.” Syed Mazhar Ali, Examiner of Fire Arms. (Proved by Pakistan National Larhore Forensic Lad Report )

Sept. 25th, 2004 to now 2007 (Ignorance of Human Life)

British High Commission Islamabad made a formal investigation request to Islamabad police about the murder shooting against me on the basis of Lahore Forensic report, but British Government did not get any reply from Pakistan government. (Proved by British High Commission Islamabad reply letter )

Nov. 2004 to now 2007 (Racial and Religious Discrimination)

British and Chinese Embassy sent diplomatic notes to Pakistan Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Interior about this case to be solved fairly and without delay under the law of Pakistan.

Pakistan Government never takes any effective action for Justice to terminate such persecution against a foreign non-Muslim woman, though Islamabad police investigation and Pakistan Law have verified that I am a victim and Pakistan Muslims made serious persecution and brutally violated human rights. (Proved by National Police Bureau ‘s report )

From Sept 2005 to Feb 2006, I had met Pakistan Government officials as follows:
1) Personally delivered 6 letters to President House, and 5 letters to Prime Minister Secretariat with official receipts;
2) I talked with the Chairman of Parliament, Pakistan about my case face to face;
3) I talked and delivered letters to the Secretary&Senators of Parliament;
4) I delivered the letters to the Corp. Commander, Army of Pakistan;
5) I talked and delivered letters to the Chief Commissioner of Islamabad;
6) I talked and delivered letters to senior officials of Intelligence Bureau, Pakistan;
7) I talked and delivered letters to The Minister of Women Development, Pakistan;
8) I talked and delivered letters to The Minister of Human Welfare, Pakistan;
9) I talked and delivered letters to Minister& Director of Ministry of Interior;
10) I talked and delivered letters to Ministry of Foreign Affair, Directors of Europe & China Desk;
11) I talked and delivered letters to Inspector General of National Police Bureau;
12) I talked and delivered letters to Supreme Court with official receipt;
13) I talked and delivered letters to National Auditability Bureau, Pakistan;
14) I talked and delivered letters to Director General of Foreign Investment Board
15) I talked and delivered letters to several Int’l NGO for Human Rights in Pakistan;
16) and a lot other Government departments and organizations;

There is no any one would like to follow the rule of Pakistani Law. There is “No justice and Human Rights” in Islamic of Pakistan.
All above mentioned persons and Departments have my complete files. However, due to this ugly religious persecution story, all Pakistani Governments wanted to cover it and not expose to the world to protect Pakistan Islamic image. No one likes to or dares to do something for justice and for human rights, as the Minister of Women Development said that: We are Islamic Country. We have Islamic laws. When talking about something in the name of religion, it is very difficult in Pakistan.” (

Because of Pakistani blindness of religion, Pakistani government forgets the fact that Pakistan is a Member of UN and a member of Human Rights Council. Pakistan violates the UN Charter to put its religion above the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Under the name of Islam, Pakistani Government can kill, kidnap, violence, and can do any vicious things against foreign non-Muslims, even to a barehanded woman inside Pakistan.

(Persecution by Pakistani Government)
Pakistani Government does want to cover this dirty linen and never take any action to terminate the persecution.Even Depty Inspector General and Criminal Judge from Gujrawala openly abuse the rule of Pakistani Law to persecute against Non-Mulsim female investor. I am still under the bail because of the unlawful arrest warrant.
1) Why Pakistani police and Criminal Court could abuse the law to issue a non-Bailable arrest warrant, by what evidence and relevant law ?

2) Why I was unlawfully arrested in Muslims Criminal's private car , not a police car to send me to prison? Why I got unlawful detention in prison?

3) Why police used violence and inhuman treatment to me?

4) Why Pakistani Police and Criminal Court still protects Murder Suspects for two years?

5) Why Pakistani Government dare still not terminate such human rights violation against me?

6) Why Islamic Banking can purposely fabricate a false proof against the fact and record in order to persecute me. In the name of Islam of Islamic Banking supported and collaborated with Muslim Criminals to issue any illegal and evil of "Specific request from Muslim Criminals" without any responsibility?
Without Islamic Banking ‘s falsely issue, there would not have any charges of this persecution against me.
Expecting justice people to support me for fighting back justice and the dignity of Human Rights!
Wish there will no more victims be killed and kidnapped by Pakistani !
I appeal to the world to condemn such wicked things of Pakistani Government and to save innocent people from the evil country of Pakistan.

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